Recent Work In Progress

 The first watercolor is “Little Red Riding Scarf”. I’m finding I like working on coldpress paper. 

The second is from a prompt “discover” for Susanna Leonard Hill’s challenge but I will also be using it as my SCBWI “adventure” prompt. Unless I decide to use “Little Red Riding Scarf” for that instead. The next time I paint it I’ll be taking out the two smaller balloons because I feel they clutter the area surrounding the bird a bit much. I’m still working on giving the scene some depth with shadow under the highway. 

I’m really enjoying working on both of these. I’ll post again when they are finished (aiming for June 2oth or prior to that).  Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments as to which I should use in each prompt. 🙂 Adios for now. 
2015-06-04 14.10.54

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Work In Progress

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2015-01-14 15.50.08

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Kidlit411 A Happy Birthday

Kidlit411 is celebrating and in a BIG way! Hop on over to help them celebrate!  Prizes are involved, and who doesn’t like party favors? Click above to find out more!

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The Skateboard Princess and the Pebble

I didn’t think I’d be doing another one of Susanna Leonard Hill’s Contests, but this one seemed even more fun than the last one, AND I needed to get the juices flowing, AND it just isn’t fair that the DH gets all the March Madness fun via basketball (because I haven’t been paying attention), AND I have never written a fractured fairy tale before. Ha! No more! Enjoy. Here it is:


By Angela Dahle

In a skatepark, far away, lived Katarina and her skateboard. She was the happiest princess alive. It was hard not to be happy when surrounded by 10,000 square feet of amazing skatepark: quarter pipes, half pipes, bowls, and street obstacles, set upon a plethora of ever-smooth concrete.

But all was not perfect in her skatepark kingdom. It all came down to a pebble, a tiny pebble wedged in the ground. The King and Queen tried to find a way to remove it, but alas, it was impossible. Neither knave nor royal knight had been able to remove it. Tony Hawk even attempted it, but he was no match for the tiny thing. The pebble was an absolute eyesore (not to mention a lawsuit waiting to happen) on the smooth asphalt.

“This pebble…it’s just not happening. It! Must! Go!” said Katarina.

She tried to grind it down by riding over it. No luck. Her makeshift sandpaper wheels were no match for that pebble. It had quite an edge.

“To the mattresses!” said Katarina.

They piled mattress upon mattress atop the pebble. No luck. The princess could still feel that blasted pebble as she soared over the top.

“I can totally sense its presence,” said Katarina. “I can see the lump from high in the air!”

Maybe, just maybe, thought Katarina, my diamond earrings will cut right through the pebble.

No luck. It was bad, a very bad day. “So much for diamonds. I should have known. They’re just another rock.”

Suddenly a vision popped in her head. “Wo! If we can’t take the pebble out of the park, let’s put more pebble in!” said Katarina. Then she dialed her best friend who knew a thing or two about pebble.

He pedaled down from his mountain bike park.

“What else are friends for? I had plenty to spare. Now let’s pound these right in!”

So they did. Diamonds or pebbles, dresses or shorts. Katarina knew her friends were the kind that raved about sports!



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My Tomie dePaola Entry

I didn’t win anything by entering. That’s fine. I saw this more as an assignment. Something to do for fun to get the creative juices flowing, and it was and it did. There were so many lovely entries. I was surprised by the ones I enjoyed more than others. That just goes to show how subjective the whole ordeal can be.


A sneeze is a breeze in your nose.

A sneeze is a breeze in your nose.


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I’m a Finalist! Go Vote for a Favorite!

Remember that story (see below post) I wrote about a holiday mishap? Well the judges liked it enough and I made it to the finalist round. Now it is up to everyone to go vote for their favorite story. VOTE HERE! Mine is number EIGHT (Three Little Kings)! Yes, that is numero OCHO!  Please read the other entries though before you settle on a vote. After all, I wasn’t the only one who sat down to write a holiday mishap story (but if you enjoy mine the MOSTEST, I won’t mind it one bit).

Voting is Dec 16th- Dec 18th and the winner will be announced Dec 19th. So please go find the story that tickles your fancy, and for the love of all holiday things (mishaps, shenanigans, family traditions, etc), VOTE FOR IT. 🙂

Happy reading!

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Oops! A Holiday Mishap Story

This story has been removed for possibility of submitting it elsewhere. 

Alright, ladies and gentlemen…I’ve written my holiday mishap story for the 3rd Annual Holiday Contest. Gracias for the writing prompt, Susanna Leonard Hill.  Hop on over to Susanna’s  blog to check it out (the prizes are amazing).  The finalists will be chosen on Dec 16th and you can then vote for your favorite story (I really hope you do). The winners will be announced Dec 19th. My  story is only 202 words so it won’t be a chore to read, because we all know you  can squeeze in just one more activity before the holiday madness arrives, right?  Enjoy!


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WIP: Down to the Details



September 27, 2013 · 10:33 AM

WIP: “Pish, posh,” just like Hieronymous Bosch

With the start of school came many things: rush hour traffic (i.e the pitter-patter of feet running about the house so not to be late in getting the kids to school), empty gaps of space and time sans children. Now you might be thinking this means EXTRA TIME to get things done, but not so, think of it more like this…

Illustration by The Dillons from Pish, Posh, said Hieronymus Bosch

sans the,  three-legged thistles,  pickle-winged fish, and other creatures. It might be peaceful now without the noise of my children, but now I feel like there is SO MUCH MORE ON MY LIST because I can actually do it without interruptions. With that being said I have several WIP’s that need to be finished, along with several other project ideas. Here they are (keep in mind they are NOT finished):














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Way Out In the Desert…

Where the cactus bloom and thrive…

Is an unusual pairing . . .I know a clown doll (or a scarecrow if you prefer) and the desert don’t go together. But in this illustration they do. . .because I’m the artist and it’s my imagination run wild. . .and I’m not finished yet either. Stay tuned. It might be a while, but while you’re here, why not guess what this clown/scarecrow  is so afraid of? My guess is: Gila Monster armed with firecrackers. I’d say Oz is a bit tame. I’ve now got another story idea! Who’d a thunk? Only me. Only me.


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